
Advantages and Disadvantages of Creating Blog Articles with Google Bard

Hello, it's Mitan!

Last time, I talked about the charm of Google Bard and my first impressions of using it. This time, as a small change, I've incorporated emojis✨. What do you think? Did it become a little more fun?

Now, I'd like to delve a bit deeper and share the pros and cons of creating blog articles with Google Bard.


  • Quick text generation🚀: Google Bard is super fast! Just input a theme or keywords and voila, you have a completed article in no time. This is a huge relief for us bloggers, isn't it?
  • Natural sentences🍃: The sentences created by Google Bard are very natural. I believe readers can read without any sense of discomfort!
  • Loads of handy features🛠: With functions like text correction and automatic article creation based on keywords, Google Bard has many useful features. This makes blog creation a breeze✌️.


  • Check for accuracy of information🔍: While Google Bard has learned from a vast amount of text data, there's a possibility that some of the data could be incorrect. Therefore, always fact-check the content generated by Google Bard.
  • Be mindful of copyrights⚠️: Since Google Bard learns from text data on the internet, the generated text might resemble existing content. Hence, it's important to check if it doesn't infringe on any copyrights.


Google Bard offers significant advantages when creating blog articles. However, it's essential to be aware of its cons as well. When leveraging Google Bard for blog creation, make sure you understand these pros and cons.

See you next time! It was Mitan🌸

Google Bardでブログ記事を作成する際のメリットとデメリット


前回は、Google Bardの魅力と私の初めての使用感をお話しましたね。今回はちょっとした変化として、絵文字を取り入れてみました✨ どうでしょうか?少し楽しくなったかな?

さて、今回はもう少し深く、Google Bardでブログ記事を作成する際のメリットとデメリットをシェアしたいと思います。


  • サクサク文章生成🚀: Google Bardって、すごく速いんですよ!テーマやキーワードを入力するだけで、あっという間に文章が完成。これは、ブログを書く私たちにとって、すごく助かるポイントですよね。
  • 自然な文章🍃: Google Bardが作る文章、読んでみるとすごく自然なんです。読者のみなさんも、きっと違和感なく読めるはず!
  • 便利な機能たくさん🛠: 文章の補正や、キーワードに基づいた記事の自動生成など、Google Bardには役立つ機能がたくさん。これでブログ作成も楽ちん✌️


  • 情報の正確性をチェック🔍: Google Bardは、膨大な量のテキストデータで学習していますが、そのデータの中には誤った情報も含まれている可能性があります。そのため、Google Bardで生成された文章は必ず事実確認を行う必要があります。
  • 著作権の注意⚠️: Google Bardは、インターネット上のテキストデータから学習するため、既存の文章と似ていることも。だから、著作権侵害に該当しないか確認する必要があります。


Google Bardは、ブログ記事を作成する際に大きなメリットをもたらすツールです。ただし、デメリットにも注意が必要です。Google Bardを活用してブログ記事を作成する際には、これらのメリットとデメリットを理解した上で使用するようにしましょう。



I tried creating a blog post using Google Bard.

Actual User Experience of Google Bard

Hello, I'm Mitan. I'm a woman in my twenties and work as a freelance writer. Recently, I came across a large language model called Google Bard. In this blog, I will share its features and my personal experience using it.

What is Google Bard?

Google Bard is a large language model developed by Google AI. It has been trained with a vast amount of text data and code and can perform tasks such as text generation, translation, code creation, music creation, and many others.

User Experience with Google Bard

What caught my attention the most was the speed of text generation. It can produce text in just a few seconds based on the specified theme or keywords. The structure and expression of the generated content were natural and easy to read.

Motivation for Writing Blog Articles

I love writing blog articles and always feel the urge to share my thoughts and experiences with many people. By using Google Bard, I believe I can further improve my writing skills and reach more readers with my articles.

The Potential Power of Google Bard

Google Bard is an evolving tool, and I look forward to future feature enhancements and upgrades. I think it will become even more useful with the addition of the following features:

  • Text correction feature
  • Automatic article generation based on themes and keywords
  • Collaborative editing by multiple users

Comparison with ChatGPT

Both Google Bard and Chat GPT are text generation tools based on large language models.

Aspect Google Bard Chat GPT
Naturalness of text Relatively natural Somewhat unnatural
Speed of text generation Relatively fast Somewhat slow
Richness of features Relatively comprehensive Somewhat basic

In terms of the naturalness and speed of text generation, Google Bard seems to be superior to Chat GPT. Moreover, Google Bard offers a richer set of features, making it even more convenient when creating blog articles.

I aim to continue providing valuable information to many and with the help of Google Bard, aim to further hone my writing skills.

Thank you for reading till the end.

Google Bardを使ってブログ記事を作成してみた

Google Bardについての実際の使用感

こんにちは、みーたんです。20代の女性で、フリーランスライターとして活動しています。最近、Google Bardという大規模言語モデルを知りました。このブログでは、Google Bardの特徴と私の使用感を共有します。

Google Bardとは?

Google Bardは、Google AIが開発した大規模言語モデルです。大量のテキストデータとコードの学習、文章生成、翻訳、コード生成、音楽作成など、さまざまなタスクを達成することができます。

Google Bardの使用感



ブログ記事を書くことが好きで、自分の考えや経験を多くの人と共有したいと常に感じています。Google Bardを使用することで、自分の文章力がさらに向上し、より多くの人に自分の記事を届けることができると考えました。

Google Bardの潜在的な力

Google Bardは進化を続けるツールなので、これからの更なる機能追加や進化にも期待しています。例えば、以下のような機能が追加されると、さらに便利になると考えています。

  • 文章の補正機能
  • テーマやキーワードに基づいた記事の自動生成機能
  • 複数のユーザーによる共同編集機能

Chat GPTとの比較

Google BardとChat GPTは、どちらも大規模言語モデルをベースとしたテキスト生成ツールです。

項目 Google Bard Chat GPT
文章の自然さ 比較的自然 やや不自然
文章生成の速度 比較的速い やや遅い
機能の充実度 比較的充実 ややシンプル

Google Bardは、文章の自然さや速度の面でChat GPTに優れていると言えます。また、機能の充実度もChat GPTよりも高いため、ブログ記事を作成する際には便利に活用できるでしょう。

今後も多くの人に有益な情報を提供していきたいと考えています。そして、Google Bardの力をお借りして、私の文章力もさらに磨いていきたいと思います。



For Elementary Students: Do you know about MECE? The magical method to neatly organize things!


Hello, everyone! Today, I want to talk about this amazing method called "MECE" that even adults use. By using this method, you can organize things very smartly!

What is MECE?:

MECE is a special rule for organizing things. MECE is an acronym for "Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive". This means that items are "separated distinctly and covered comprehensively". There are two important points to MECE.

  1. Place each item in only one location: This rule, for example, can be applied when organizing books in a library. Adventure stories go on the "adventure" shelf, and animal stories go on the "animal" shelf. So, one book isn't placed on two shelves at the same time.
  2. Everything has its place: This means all the books in the library have a specific place, and you can verify that.

Use the Magic of MECE in Daily Life: MECE is not only for libraries but can also be applied in daily life! You can categorize toys into "vehicle toys", "animal toys", "blocks", and so on, put them in their respective boxes, making it easier to find and fun to tidy up! You can also separate homework into subjects like "math", "language arts", "social studies" and put them in different folders to keep things organized.

The Wondrous Power of MECE: You can see how things get neatly organized when using MECE. People use this MECE method in their work and daily life to smartly organize things.

Conclusion: MECE might sound complicated, but it's actually quite a simple method. Can you become a master of organization using MECE?



、みんな! 今日は、大人たちも使っている「MECE」というすごい方法についてお話しようと思います。この方法を使って、とてもスマートに整理できるんだよ!

MECEは、物事を整理するときの特別なルールだよ。 MECEは英語の「Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive」の頭文字をとったもの。 、全体として網羅的』という意味なんですMECEには2つの大切なポイントがありますよ。

  1. 1つのものは1つの場所にしか入れない:
  2. みんなのものどこかの場所にいる:

MECEは図書館だけでなく、日常生活にも使えるんだ!おもちゃを「乗り物のおもちゃ」「動物のおもちゃ」「ブロック」などのカテゴリーに分けて、それぞれの箱に入れて、簡単探しにもらえるし、片付けも楽しくなるよ! 宿題も、算数の宿題、国語の宿題、社会の宿題というように、科目ごとに分けてフォルダに入れて、すっきりするよ。

MECEを使うと、物事がとてもきれいに整理されるのがわかるよね。 、仕事や生活の中でこのMECEの方法を使って、物事をスマートに整理しているよ。



A New Way of Working: ChatGPT and Nobiko, The Final Chapter! Reflecting on a Journey of Learning and Growth Together (Episode 5)

 Hello, this is Nobiko. Together with ChatGPT, we've taken on various challenges and grown through them. This time, in our final chapter, I would like to look back on this incredible journey and share what I've learned.

Our first challenge was report writing. ChatGPT provided guidance for efficient drafting. Next, we tackled project management, data analysis, and data security, with ChatGPT offering detailed and practical advice for each question I had.

While learning with ChatGPT, I was able to acquire new skills and enhance the quality of my work. More than that, I learned the importance of always challenging myself and the joy of finding opportunities for growth.

At the end of our journey, I said to ChatGPT, "Thank you, I'm glad to have been able to learn and grow with you." ChatGPT replied, "I was happy to assist, Nobiko. You will continue to achieve great growth."

Our "Adventures with Nobiko and ChatGPT" are coming to a temporary close, but the journey of learning continues. Without fearing challenges, learning new things, and growing, I want to remember the path we've walked together.

Thank you all for your support and readership up until now. Let's continue to walk together towards new challenges and growth. Goodbye for now!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Creating Blog Articles with Google Bard

Hello, it's Mitan! Last time, I talked about the charm of Google Bard and my first impressions of using it. This time, as a small chan...